Thursday, September 11, 2008

Random Stuffs

First, I took another quiz for Sweet Shoppe Points. Here's what mine says:

You Are 59% Real

You're pretty real with people, but you can't help hiding a good part of yourself.

You're not truly happy with who you are at times... and believe it or not, it shows.

Try not to hide parts of your life from the people who matter to you.

Your friends and family are probably a lot more accepting than you realize!

On to Sunshine News:
First, Ellie & Vasco's colab got delayed so tonight is the real release day. Head over tonight and check out their chat.

Kiki has a pretty new kit out:

The Sunflowers (the group of girls who were getting design help from the Sunshine Girls) are now live in the store! Check them out HERE

Kristi also has a fun new kit in the stores:

So head on over to Sunshine Studio Scraps and check out all the fun new stuff in store!

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